For realization of sustainable society through the business
- Shimadzu Diagnostics’s business and CSR -

We address achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

SDGs Shimadzu Diagnostics Co., Ltd.

Creating Shared Value

Social and Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainable environmental and social goals Agenda Initiatives through Shimadzu Diagnostics's business
Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Growth Target and Open Innovation
  • Medium-term management plan
  • Joint research with bio-ventures
  • Open Innovation Program
  • IT and Artificial Intelligence
Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. Sanitary Control
  • Compliant with international standardization of food safety (international certifications)
  • unicef, WHO and others use CompactDry for the research of basic infrastructure (for daily life)in developing countries.
  • Nuclear decontamination in forests
  • Contribution for prevent antimicrobial resistance
  • Application to simple measurement for prevent infection from spreading at natural disasters
  • Developing a simple test of paralytic shellfish poison
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. Recruiting Activity and Promotion of Women’s Empowerment
  • CSR of Shimadzu Group
  • Work style reform
  • Promotion of women
  • Enployee Training
  • Contribution activities to local communities
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Environmental Conservation
  • Shimadzu Group sustainable CSR
  • Environmental management systems
  • Production of regenerative medicine products
  • Marine plastic problem

Shimadzu Diagnostics’s Innovation
- We are continuously moving forward innovating. -

  • Corporate Philosophy: Contributing to Society through Science and Technology
  • Management Principle: Realizing Our Wishes for the Well-being of Mankind and the Earth

Future of Innovation, Creation of Value

Management Policy
Creating New Businesses amid Open Innovation
Supplying Services and Standards Online and Globally