You can easily obtain the bacterial (colony) count cultured in
CompactDry™ using your smartphone.


Take a picture

Smartphone/digital camera

amazon web services


Upload the image




Count the number of colonies

Automatic calculation of bacterial count


  • For PC Onlone Service
    Windows 11 or later (Edge, Firefox, Chrome)
    Mac OS 13.2 or later (Safari, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Google Play
    Android 13.0 or later
  • App Store
    iOS 16.3 or later
  • Amazon appstore
    Android 13.0 or later
    Fire OS or later

Precautions for descriptions and specifications of the service / List of trademarks

  • - Please note that the information in this document may be slightly different from the actual function since we sequentially offer new services.
  • - Please note that the specification or performance may be changed without notice.
  • - CompactDry™ and the @BactLAB™ logo are trademarks or the registered trademarks of Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation
  • - The cloud image recognition technology utilized in this service employs the artificial intelligence (AI) technology for image recognition system jointly developed by Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation, and Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.
  • - Google, Google Play, Android, and other marks are the trademarks of Google Inc.
  • - Apple and the Apple logo are the trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
    App Store, AppleCare, and iCloud are the service marks of Apple Inc. ™ and ® Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
  • - Wi-Fi® is the registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
  • - Amazon and the Amazon Web Service logo are the trademarks or the registered trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.
  • - Oracle is the registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates in the U.S. and other countries.
  • - Other company and product names are generally the trademarks or the registered trademarks of the companies.